
Friday, June 3, 2011

All Grown Up ~ A House Can Dream, Right?

So, I was asking my house what she wants to be when she grows up.

{the built-in bookshelves flanking the fireplace, the drapes, the colors}

And she said . . .

{the rug, the lantern, the windows}

. . . this house.

{the turquoise}

Isn't that cute!

{the stove, counter tops, cupboards}

I stumbled on pictures of this house and thought it was kind of fun ~ each room seems to echo the colors, the details, and the feel of the rooms in my home but here everything is a little (or a lot) bigger,  more polished, more professional and a shade more sophisticated.

Seriously, isn't this house just what my house would look like ~ 
all grown up?

{see more of this lovely home here}

1 comment:

  1. It's absolutely beautiful and you are darling! I'm having fun looking at your blog. The kids are up in Idaho at my brother's for the rest of the week and hubs is working. Me? I'm taking in some eye candy!
