
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What a Little Paint Can Do ~ An Ikea Table Revamp

We love eating outside in the summertime ~ the shadows grow long in the late afternoon light, 
kids are tired and happy from swimming and playing, and dinner on the patio is relaxed and easy. 
At least until something crazy and normal interrupts the stillness.

A few years ago we bought this Ikea Nordano patio table and it has served us well. 
It seats four when the sides are folded down and ten when they're extended. 
Great for everyday and for bigger gatherings.

However, those short years have not been kind to our table. 
The finish was so stained and faded and dirty, that lately I began to bargain hunt for a replacement. 
But I just couldn't justify spending any money on something that would actually be 
less functional for us than this worn out table.

So, I decided to appreciate the ugliness as an opportunity to experiment. 
It really couldn't get any worse . . . could it?


I worked on one of the chairs first--just grabbed a leftover sample pot of green paint from the garage and started slapping it on. I was quite pleased after distressing it a bit.

A few months later I finally got around to tackling the table.

After painting the bone dry wood and sanding it a bit to show 
that we're embracing imperfection around here, I think this table has a few summers left in it.

Just have to paint the other chairs and the revamp will be complete.

I'm looking forward to easy meals (and the normal crazy) enjoyed outside this summer.

Domestically Speaking


  1. very very pretty! The table has great bones and the color is really perfect for tht space! love it


  2. I love the normal crazies. And the embracing of imperfection. The revamp is nice, too.

  3. Hi,
    Visiting from Cent.Girl's linky party. I love Ikea and this table definitely looks like a classic piece. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looks good! Your patio is so pretty. Love the black trim.

  5. Ooooh, thanks! We have patio furniture for the backyard, but need a bench or something on the front porch. I like the ones in the Nordano series.

    wood fences
