
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Southern California Snow

A few weeks ago Jack, Elizabeth and I got crafty.
We made snow globes.

Elizabeth's depicted a woodsy rendezvous between Frosty and Santa...

with intermittent blizzards.

My snow globe showcased a plastic cardinal in a plastic tree ...

with occasional blustery snowfall.

Jack's gift-bearing bear endured much love throughout the day in the form of vigorous shaking. He got a little tipsy.

The basic DIY requires:
  • a small jar
  • small plastic toys and greenery
  • large silver or white glitter
  • a dash of glycerin (I didn't have this on hand, so our glitter "snow" falls fast.)
  • clear drying epoxy (I used what I had--my glue gun. Gift-Bear probably would have fared better had I used epoxy.)

  • Epoxy (or glue) your toy to the inside of the jar lid.
  • Boil some water (to kill off anything that might grow...) and pour it into the jar. Fill it to overflowing to minimize the air bubble.
  • Add some glitter and glycerin.
  • Carefully fit your toy/lid down into the water and screw it on tight. I put a seal of hot glue around the inside of the lid to prevent leaking, but I don't know if that's necessary.
  • Turn and shake (gently!).


  1. Okay, it's time for a post about how hectic or frustrating your life is so we can stop envying you :)
