
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Details

A little glimpse of what Christmas looks like at our house...

the mantle...

the tree...

Luke 2 on the dining room chalk board
and two nativities...

bird chandelier
(more on that here)

the Jesse Tree...

I didn't show you the piles of laundry and the dishes in the sink
because they aren't very Christmas-y.

I'm glad I can't edit my life like I can edit a blog post.
I know I'd crop out all sorts of messes,
missing their value and how God uses them for good.
It would be a reductionist life.

Here's to a Christmas with unedited details--
an inconvenient journey to Bethlehem,
smelly animals in the stable,
shepherds awakened at night,
and a baby born at just the wrong time.

But when the fullness of time had come,
God sent forth his Son,
born of woman,
born under the law,
to redeem those who were under the law,
so that we might receive adoption as sons.
Galations 4:4&5

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