
Friday, October 19, 2012

Why I like Fridays {thoughts on margin}

Fridays are our catch-all day. We use them for finishing up schoolwork, chores, 
piano, P.E. activities, parks, and picnics.

The laundry gets done and the bunny hutch gets cleaned.

And we have time.

Fridays are the built-in margin of our week.

As I learn better how to manage school and kids and classes and home and friends and church and my marriage and myself, I'm learning that I really need more white space than I would think. I have to consciously build-in the margin in order to leave time for rest and focus and peace

and light saber fights.


  1. So cute...loved the light saber fights and what a great reminder to keep a good margin in our lives!


  2. Hopped on over from Edie's link up - so glad you joined in.
    My farmyard covered in Lake Effect Snow, I'm sitting all cozied up and enjoying the lovely sunshine, warmth, and green grass of your photos.
    When all our offspring were little we made Friday's our "fun day". I'll never regret the time spent cultivating relationship and growing memories together. We are more knit together for it and better prepared to tackle the bigger challenges of high school and beyond.
    One more thing - I've committed to spending less time planted in front of a screen and more time turning pages in books...but, your list of faith and culture blogs on your sidebar give me pause.
    And the whole Wendell Berry thing that oozes from your blog title...I'm all a quiver.
    Wanting to know more of you.
