
Monday, June 20, 2011

Red, White, and Wicker ~ Simple Entry

 Our entry is simple and functional, if not always this neat.

It's usually strewn with toys and shoes (especially during this sticky summer season).

{original door hardware}

 I've tried to make it work for us ~ a crate to contain said toys,

{thrifted Pottery Barn "found" crate}

a comfy place for me to sit in the shade while the kids play,

{Ikea chair and toile pillow from Marshall's}

 a cheerful mailbox, in keeping with the vintage feel of our home and neighborhood.

{post box came with the house}

and a limited color palette of reds, whites, and greys.


  1. Stop being so cool! Just kidding...I just feel like bringing the kids over to swim and play at your lovely home and playing with your lovely kids.

  2. C'mon over. please. Did you see the sale on plane tickets at Southwest? Can we do something with that????
